We keep introducing our readers to the authors of the Millennials NFT collection. Artem, Graphic Designer at CP Media, is in charge of the visual design of news stories and articles on the website. Under the creative pseudonym “Arccoss”, he created thematic cards combining nostalgia and crypto terms.
— What’s the inspiration behind your NFTs?

— I got the idea of creating some NFTs as soon as I heard about the upcoming project. Everyone gets nostalgic for their childhood and youth. And when your teen years coincide with an iconic era that comes back in fashion from time to time and is reinterpreted, nostalgia gets a hundred times stronger. Of course, you want to put these feelings into your creative work and give them free rein.
— What do you think the value of the Millennials collection is?

— We all can order a Tamagotchi online when we feel nostalgic, find an old soccer card in a closet, or sigh heavily over a Dendy controller that’s been collecting dust. But it’ll all be memories. I think that the collection’s main value lies in that we can bring that childhood enthusiasm and excitement into our modern life and the world that has changed beyond recognition to connect a part of the old era with the new one.
For example, I had a figurine of one of the M&M’s when I was a kid. It had a compartment inside where you could put a note. On New Year’s Eve, I’d hide a piece of paper with a wish on it, and it always came true. It was an incredible feeling of euphoria and happiness — snow falling outside the window, spending the holiday at home, the gift you dreamed of, and your favorite cartoons on TV. And working on NFTs at some moments brought me back to that wonderful time.
— What’s your creative journey? How did you become a designer?

— I believe my journey as a designer is fairly standard. In kindergarten, I became interested in art through painting with my hands and fingers. Later, creativity took over, and I wanted to do everything: from molding and papier-mâché to painting and “blueprints” of houses on The Sims. At school, I decided to study architecture and design and successfully graduated. Though architecture was never really my passion, graphic design and other digital forms of creativity had the opposite effect.
— What motivates you to create?

— It could be anything! Sometimes I walk down the street and see something created by man or even nature, and different ideas pop into my head. I instantly feel a burst of creative energy and a desire to fulfill the idea. Since I express myself through drawings, designs, and sketches due to my nature and profession, I always carry a sketchbook with me. It turns out that the process looks like this: getting attracted by some object, developing it in my head to some image, sketching it, and further working on developing it or using it in some projects.
Rapid-Fire Interview with Arccoss

What’s the best cartoon of your childhood?
Tom and Jerry.
It’s kind and funny. It’s about friendship.
What’s your favorite TV show from the 2000s?
Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
What’s the best game from the 2000s?
The Sims 3.
Name one thing related to the Millennials collection that you miss.
The chips with Shrek characters.