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CV Summit

Zug, Switzerland

CV Summit is one of Europe’s major Web3 events, organized by CV Labs. The summit will bring together leading global experts to discuss blockchain’s role in shaping the future of the financial market and the growth of various aspects of the Web3 industry.

The core theme of CV Summit will be the role of blockchain in the modern financial system. Other key topics include:

  • blockchain infrastructure development;
  • decentralized finance (DeFi);
  • blockchain’s impact on the Web3 industry;
  • innovations in digital assets and Metaverse projects;
  • crypto industry regulation and compliance.

CV Summit is expected to host over 1,000 participants, including startup founders, policymakers, blockchain company executives, investors, and other blockchain professionals.

The event will feature keynote speeches from notable speakers, panel discussions, workshops, startup and corporate solution presentations, and plenty of networking opportunities. Among the side events of CV Summit, highlights include Binance Institutional Breakfast and a roundtable in Zug focused on discussing the MiCA regulations.

Renowned experts and innovators will speak at the event, including:

  • Charles Hoskinson, Co-Founder of Ethereum, Founder of Cardano, IOHK, Real Vision, and other projects;
  • Antoni Martin Bertran, Co-Founder of Polygon Labs;
  • Anthony Di Iorio, Co-Founder of Ethereum and Founder & CEO of Decentral;
  • Maksim Balashevich, Founder & CEO of Santiment AG;
  • Jordi Baylina, Co-Founder of Polygon, etc.

One of the key moments of CV Summit will be the celebration of Ethereum’s tenth anniversary, taking place on the second day of the conference during the ETH10X ceremony. Ethereum’s founders will take the stage, where Swiss authorities and the canton of Zug will honor them for their significant contributions to the city and the global economy, presenting them with special awards. This official ceremony will be open to all CV Summit ticket holders.

Currently, “Last Chance” tickets are still available for 350 CHF (VAT included).

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