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Ethereum Singapore 2023

National Gallery, Singaporere

This year’s Ethereum Singapore annual conference is centered around the concept of the “Infinite Garden City.” It reflects the vision of the Ethereum network as an endless garden that organically evolves with the support of people that nurture it. The event will be supported by the local Ethereum community, international partners, and sponsors.

The event will feature an immersive conference with thematic pavilions including decentralized finance, infrastructure, security, and development. Each of the areas with curated community hubs, live workshops, and thematic halls will be a source of incredible ideas, creative solutions, and their practical implementation. Several inspiring tech talks are planned on topics such as privacy, scaling, and zero-knowledge proof technology.

The conference will attract technology enthusiasts and business people. Among the speakers announced are:

  • Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder of Ethereum;
  • Aya Miyaguchi, Executive Director of the Ethereum Foundation;
  • Ed Felten, Co-Founder of Arbitrum;
  • Konstantin Richter, Founder and CEO of Blockdaemon;
  • Richard Teng, Head of Regional Markets at Binance.

A hackathon is also planned as part of the event. Developers will have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills to solve real-world problems faced by local non-profit organizations and social enterprises. Throughout the hackathon, developers will have access to personal mentorship and workshops from the AngelHack team, community members, and the entire Ethereum ecosystem.

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