Meta has loosened restrictions for publishing cryptocurrency advertising on its platforms.

Its official website has announced that starting today, the rules for running crypto ads on all company’s official resources will be simplified.
The key change is expanding the number of regulatory licenses allowed for advertising from three to 27, found directly in the update. Holders of these licenses will now be able to launch advertising campaigns related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and digital finance.
Among the reasons for such a decision are the active development and stabilization of the crypto industry in recent years and the development of legislation regarding crypto projects. Earlier in 2018, Meta (ex-Facebook) was caught in a scandal due to the ban on cryptocurrency-related advertising. Then, the company was forced to soften its policy under pressure from the community representatives.
Notably, since the spring of 2018, Facebook has been developing its own cryptocurrency, Facebook Coin, which was later renamed Libra, and even later Diem. Along with the names, the concept of the project was changing, and as of December 2021, it had not been launched.