Forbes columnist Bernard Marr named five major blockchain trends that will be relevant in 2022.

Forbes predicts the biggest blockchain trends in 2022

In 2022, more than $11 billion is expected to be invested in blockchain technology development. At the same time, its use is not limited to cryptocurrencies. Bernard Marr took it upon himself to speculate for Forbes the most relevant areas of blockchain technology development in 2022: 

  1. Reducing the environmental impact of blockchain. This direction includes the transition of large cryptocurrency systems to less energy-intensive consensus algorithms. Investments will also affect the technology of obtaining renewable energy for mining and the subsequent recovery of this energy for other needs.
  2. NFT expanding beyond online art. We are talking about developing the Play-to-Earn model in online games, proving the origin of certain objects, and other scenarios for using NFTs. 
  3. CBDC development and integration of cryptocurrencies into national economies. In 2021, El Salvador became among the first nations to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. There are prerequisites for the further adoption of cryptocurrencies. Nigeria has officially launched a digital currency, and the Banque de France is actively experimenting with CBDCs. China is expected to launch a digital yuan in 2022. 
  4. Blockchain and IoT integration. The development of projects in this area in 2015-2016 faced technological limitations, many of which may be overcome in 2022. This will be facilitated by the rollout of 5G networks, the development of new types of transactions and data storage methods.
  5. Vaccine manufacture and tracking. It is now clear that the fight against Covid-19 will be a priority throughout 2022. Blockchain technology can help in vaccine tracking and distribution. IBM has already created a system to provide coordination between various agencies and healthcare authorities involved with vaccine distribution. The technology makes it possible to monitor every step in the supply chain.
Author: Evgeny Tarasov