The Solana blockchain launched a platform that will allow even brands far from the Web3 industry to use decentralized technology to launch loyalty programs and cross-marketing activities. 

Solana Labs Launches Web3 Platform for Loyalty Programs

Solana Labs officials announced the launch of Bond, a Web3 platform that will enable the creation and monitoring of blockchain-based loyalty programs. The platform will help increase customer engagement and ensure long-term interaction with the brand. 

The new platform will enable brands to create a sustainable connection with direct consumers of their products and services, even with givers, resellers, wholesalers, and retail intermediaries participating in distribution chains. It’ll make it easier to analyze and better understand a brand’s customer base and build direct user relationships. 

In addition, Bond’s interface is designed to make it as easy as possible for brands far from the Web3 industry to use the platform, opening up the opportunity for them to take advantage of blockchain technology. In particular, the platform facilitates collaboration between different brands by providing transparency in the data exchanged and strategic control over all stages of interaction with the audience. 

The Bond platform will enable the use of digital collectibles (NFT) in loyalty programs, which will be interlinked with real brand products. It will also use Web3 technologies for authentication and proof of ownership. As an extra bonus, Solana Labs representatives see an opportunity to expand brands’ audiences by attracting users interested in digital assets. 

Marketers are actively embracing Web3 to expand their services for some time now. As of July 2023, more than 200 major marketing companies worldwide were doing so.

Author: Evgeny Tarasov
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