The MetaWorms project will be a collection of “environmentally friendly” NFTs.

Team17, the developer of the cult series of games Worms, has licensed the project named MetaWorms — an NFT collection of classic worms. The project is being developed by the blockchain company Reality Gaming Group (RGG), and the collection’s concept is a “generative art project.”
The project is based on the issue and use of non-fungible tokens. It is also planned to implement the Fluid Rarity system, which in the future will make it possible to use the project’s NFTs in global tournaments and the Metaverse.
RGG plans to use its own sidechain to create tokens, minimizing the amount of minting. According to the developers, generating 100.000 NFTs will require energy equivalent to the average annual use of 11 kettles. RGG also plans to contribute a percentage of sales to Refeed Farms, a company that produces soil fertilizer by recycling food waste with worms.
The developer promises to present more detailed features and functions of the project in the form of a roadmap in the near future. The first installment of the Worms franchise was released in 1995. Since then, more than 20 games have been released in five generations. The series has gained cult status and many fans who have reacted negatively to the news. Gamers reject NFTs in the context of classic games because non-fungible tokens “cannot be environmentally friendly, or useful,” said indie developer Aggro Crab on Twitter, who previously worked with Team17 and is now calling for a boycott of the studio.