Nearly 90% of business executives are considering introducing blockchain technology into their work processes in 2023.

Blockchain to Be Massively Adopted

Of commercial companies operating in the United States, the United Kingdom, and China, roughly 90% of executives plan to adopt blockchain and actively invest in the field this year. That’s according to a press release by CasperLabs based on research conducted with Zogby Analytics. 

The survey included more than 600 executives from commercial enterprises in the three countries mentioned above. Representatives of Chinese companies showed a particularly high level of interest in blockchain. Recall that China claims to be a global leader in blockchain technology development. 

The following scenarios of blockchain use were highlighted: 

  • optimizing internal workflows (40%); 
  • improving supply chain efficiency (34%); 
  • software development (30%).

Along with revenue growth, blockchain is expected to provide key benefits to businesses, such as increased data security and copy protection. 

It’s hugely encouraging to see businesses understanding that blockchain is not a competitor but a solution,” Ralf Kubli, a board member of the Casper Association, said in a press release. He believes that in 2023, one can expect to see significant shifts in providing solutions for real-world problems and creating long-term value for blockchain technology.

According to the researchers, the main barriers to blockchain adoption are: 

  • low qualifications of developers; 
  • lack of existing tools and difficulties with their interoperability; 
  • cynicism toward the blockchain industry.

The low awareness of blockchain technology among business executives is also important. Most of them (73%) are confident in their knowledge, and over half (54%) believe the terms “blockchain” and “cryptocurrency” are synonymous.

The only way to change the overall situation is likely to be the introduction of blockchain technology as part of the school curriculum. In September 2022, parents in the U.S. began to support such an initiative en masse

Author: Evgeny Tarasov
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