CP Media keeps updating everyone with the most relevant, interesting, and promising news, phenomena, technologies, and other aspects of the crypto market. We prepare a weekly digest of materials to ensure our dear readers don’t overlook any publications. 

Securitization, Possible Causes of Banking Meltdown in U.S., and AMA Session by CP Media

Apart from the “big” and “relatively big” information forms presented below, we should remind you about the cryptocurrency news, the most relevant of which are published daily in the corresponding section of the CoinsPaid Media website. In case you want to ask us a question about our professional activities and beyond, we invite you to join the AMA session held by CP Media’s editors on Reddit. 

  1. Securitization: What Is It, and How Does Blockchain Affect It? 

Securitization is one of the key reasons for the financial crisis that plagued the world in 2008. The Big Short explains more about the origins of the crisis while we’ll take you through the securitization process and its connection to blockchain technology. 

  1. U.S. Authorities Plan to “Reset” the Banking System with CBDCs

The author’s analysis of the current situation in the U.S. banking sector, its possible causes, and its consequences. This material doesn’t claim to be the ultimate truth, it merely offers a perspective on the ongoing situation that differs from the official one. And we’ll be glad if this opinion proves to be wrong…

  1. What to Remember from NFT Paris 2023?  

A short summary of the NFT Paris conference held at the end of February. The material had been biding its time because we missed the moment to publish it right after the conference. However, it was a great opportunity to recollect about Paris, which hosts quite a few big industry events. And here’s the whole Blockchain Week in the French capital!  

Paris Blockchain Week is one of the biggest European events dedicated to the blockchain industry, cryptocurrencies, and other Web 3.0 areas. Over 10,000 participants from all over the world are expected in 2023! This will include representatives of major companies, investors, policymakers, opinion leaders, developers, and other members of the community. The event starts on Monday, March 20, and promises to be very eventful. 

  1. CP Media Announces AMA Session on Crypto Media

AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) is a format of communication where everyone can ask any questions to those conducting the session. CP Media’s editors expect that the questions will primarily relate to our professional activities, but given the essence of the format, we invite you, dear readers, to ask us about anything! We’ll answer all your questions in a special thread in our Reddit community from March 20-25, inclusive. Join us! 

Author: Mark Wallerstein
#Cryptocurrency #News