News Reddit Announces Third Generation of NFT Avatars The Reddit platform plans to release a new collection of NFT avatars. The tentative release date is April 10. The r/CryptoCurrency subreddit announced the third generation of NFT avatars. They… 1 year ago (upd. 06.04.2023) #News #NFT #Reddit
News Reddit Users Will Get NFT Avatars Reddit is working on a feature that would allow its users to set any NFT as their profile picture. Reddit is considering options to verify NFTs and the ability to… 3 years ago (upd. 28.01.2022) #NFT #Reddit
Forecasts Crypto Investor Mr. Goxx Mr. Goxx is a successful crypto investor from Germany, founder and head of Goxx Capital. His investment portfolio grew by 18.65% in 4 months since its creation and at its… 3 years ago (upd. 24.01.2022) #Reddit #Trading #Updates
News Reddit Expands Cryptocurrency Issuance Opportunities for Subreddits The largest social network Reddit is expanding features for its members to issue tokens. Reddit’s management expanded the Reddit Community Points (RCPs) program. A new section was created for this… 3 years ago (upd. 09.12.2021) #Altcoin #Reddit
Business How Forum Geeks Beat the Exchanges: the Story of WallStreetBets The Wallstreetbets group is a relatively old branch of the Reddit forum, where over 3.5 million users … 3 years ago (upd. 21.12.2021) #Reddit